
Club News

The Lawns




What could be better than a few hours of fishing on my favourite peg, the first peg on the lawns was where I had decided to fish having parked in the visitors car park ,showed my ID  and a 10-15 minute walk, this time of year walking round to the lawns the lake and and view is stunning,

When I got to the peg there were fish everywhere, could I be in for a good day, I decided to fish for silver so the feeder would have to wait for another day, I set up a 7m senses whip size 14 b611 hook and would be fishing just off bottom, no ground bait no maggots just hemp and tares.

First put in and a roach of about 6oz and then a Rudd then another roach. I feed hemp every now and again and I caught steady all day and by 3.30 when it was time to pack up I had about 20lb in the net so a very good few hours fishing.

Many visitors to the castle would stop and talk and a gentleman who stopped said he had seen 2 massive carp by the waterfall, so on the way back to the carpark I had a look and I was not disappointed, there was one on the surface and he was probably 30lb plus, he was feeding on the bread that the castle visitors had thrown in.


I would recommend a few hours fishing on the lawns you won’t be disappointed

Kind regards GC