Sunday 2nd March 2nd Non Points Newton Park
Every one was looking forward to the match especially after the last one, but it didn’t live up to expectations and weights were poor, we can only put it down to the conditions as a few days ago the river was in flood and we have had hard frosts since or was it bad angling 🤣 the winner on the day was Kev with 3.14. 2nd was Dean with 3.08. 3rd was Paul with 2.09 and 4th was Nigel with 2.00.
1 k Breaker 3.14 peg 10
2 D Browncey 3.08 peg 4
3 P Bishop. 2.09. Peg 13
4 N Alford 2.00 peg17
22 Anglers Fished