
Club News, Matches


Afternoon/Evening Match

Friday 31st May was our first Evening match and was held down by the islands, many of you know the lake hasn’t been fishing well due to mainly spawning and the weather but that’s fishing.

The winner on the day was Gary with 14.14 from peg 9, he fished the feeder with worm and Landed two bream and two small perch.2nd was Barry with 14.00 again with two bream, 3 rd was Rob with 7.05 one bream,


1 G Critchell  14.14 peg 9   Peg sponsored by STFC

2 B Hampshire.  14.00 peg 7

3 R Dolman.        7.05  peg  12

4 B Auckland.     6.14. Peg. 11


7 anglers fished